Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why should you change your air filter regularly?

Air filters are important, yet neglected-often part of the central HVAC system. Air filters act as a defense wall against loose insulation or fire risk. Clogged air filters are one of the main reasons behind HVAC system failure. All the air handled by the heating and cooling system passes through the air filters which lead to these filters getting clogged by dust, mold, fabric fibers, fungal spores etc. As the dust, dirt and mold trapped in the air filter increases, the filter becomes less efficient. According to the air conditioner manufacturers in UAE, it is advisable to change the air filter every month or two, especially if you have pets. Changing the air filters is a simple task which doesn’t require any professional help. Some filters have better quality and last longer than others. Air filters with a higher MERV rating can hold contaminates better and last longer.

There can be a number of factors which will affect the need to replace the air filters. Filter change every month is a good option if you live in a very dusty or polluted area. In case of rarely used Air conditioners, filter change is needed every six months or so. Regular changing of the air filter will help in improving the air conditions of your home as well as in the cut short of expenses.   

Clogged air filters contain airborne particles which are extremely sensitive for people with asthma or other allergies. A clogged air filter can create unwanted damage to your HVAC system. Up-to-date checking of air filters will prevent this and improve the longevity of the system. Failure to clean the air filter also has a negative impact on the environment. An air filter not cleaned regularly will force the HVAC system to work harder thereby translating large amounts of carbon monoxide and other greenhouse gases. Replacing a clogged air conditioner also helps in saving up on operational costs as a dirty air filter uses much more energy than a new and clean air filter.

Trosten is considered as one of the most reliable names among the air conditioner suppliers in the UAE which always uses Eurovent certified filters. The Company is a well-recognized air conditioner manufacturer in UAE and known to provide advanced energy-efficient HVAC solutions to their clients.  The filters used in their manufactured products are UL certified. The product line includes air handling units, condensing units, fan coil units, ecology units, and ventilation units, roof top packaged units and many more.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Basic steps to follow for Condensing Unit maintenance

Condensing units are the temperature control units that are utilized in air conditioners, fridge,chillers and heat pumps. They are the kind of heat exchangers as they move vitality in the form of heat by packing a gas known as refrigerant, which makes the vapor consolidate to a (cooler) fluid.
If you are looking for purchasing high-quality condensing units then Trosten is the best option
for all requirements. The Company is one stop destination which brings to you a range of
premium quality HVAC and kitchen equipment at competitive prices.
For ensuring the hassle-free functionality of your condensing unit, here are some important factors that you need to consider including;

Clean your condensing unit:
Keep vegetation from the condenser unit as flotsam and jetsam can easily get inside the pan
and lessen the rate of fumes air discharge. You should attempt to have clearance of something
like two feet around the unit. To make the territory all the more aesthetically engaging, you can
put stones around it. The minimum clearance over the unit is four feet.

Cleaning the pan:
This should be the initial step amid each maintenance procedure. Simply make sure to disengage the open air HVAC unit from the power system in any case. It is ideal to wear gloves for evacuating any flotsam and jetsam inside the unit by hand. You may utilize a smaller than usual vacuum cleaner with a little spout for expelling fine flotsam and jetsam from the base of the pan. Simply be mindful so as not to point the vacuum directly at the wiring or other slight and not especially strong components.

Cleaning the coils:
Air conditioning system basically has two coils, evaporator coils and condenser coils. The coil gets dirty and less efficient due to moisture, dirt, pollen and other contaminants. If not properly cleaned and well maintained these coils can become a breeding ground for bacteria, molds, and other biological contaminants. Coils should be cleaned frequently to prevent any deterioration.

Straightening twisted coil fins:
Bending will lessen the measure of fumes air discharged by the outside HVAC unit so this issue must be tended to auspicious. The most ordinarily utilized repair strategy is called brushing. It includes the utilization of a uniquely structured plastic brush. You have to run it from the base up to rectify the coil fins. This requires exertion, care and accuracy, yet the diligent work will

References: The Royal Atlantis Resort & Residences

If you are looking for the condensing unit then, Trosten is one suitable option, one of the leading condensing unit manufacturers in UAE that aims to provide the best quality of condensing units. They also provide value added support services to their customers for the consistent and efficient functioning of HVAC equipment.